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Aqua-bloc Waterproofing Product

Aqua-bloc 770-06 Waterproofing material

We apply Aqua-Bloc, a tar-like fluid substance, to the basement walls. This elastic like asphalt mixture creates a flexible barrier against water infiltration. Aquabloc hardens fast and provides long-lasting protection from water and moisture, as well as mould growth due to the buildup of moisture.

What is Aqua-BLoc made of?

Bitumen, also known as asphalt, is a substance that is being referred to. It improves the hardening properties of the tar like mixture after application.

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) helps with the prevention of wear and tear to the application. It enhances the viscosity of the mixture. It is utilized in waterproofing goods to enhance the overall durability of the application.

Kaolin is a type of clay that enhances the viscosity and increases the hardening characteristics of the waterproofing mixture.

Talc (Mg₃Si₄O₁₀(OH)₂) is a slippery substance that acts as a reenforcing agent for the waterproofing mixture and is often used as a filler in waterproofing products.

Mica, KAl₂(AlSi₃O₁₀)(F,OH)₂) is used in aqua-bloc waterproofing products for the flexibility and thermal resistance of the application.

Other thickners and preservatives may also be added for logetivity.

Most reputed basement waterproofing companies offer a lifetime warranty, just like us. When offering such large insurance, companies like ours would want to ensure we use the best quality products on the market to reduce warranty calls. Aqua-bloc as a product has earned its popularity for its long-lasting performance in the industry. We hope the above helps you understand what the black tar-like product Aqua-bloc is that is used in waterproofing homes and why it is used. With Aqua-bloc we feel safe!

Aquaboc on wall for waterproofing
Aquaboc on wall for waterproofing
Royal Work Crew Members
Service technician applying protective shield
Aqua-block application for exterior waterproofing
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